
Monday, December 17, 2012

HIPAA & Regulatory Compliance

OpenText RightFax enterprise fax and e-document delivery solutions support compliance with privacy and security rules by digitizing paper-based protected health information for private, secure, and auditable electronic distribution.

hipaaU.S. HIPAA regulations require health care organizations to be more efficient and to run their organizations more securely to enhance patient service and ensure the privacy and security of private personal health information.  Similar legislation specific to patient data exists in other countries such as Ontario, Canada's Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) of 2004, Section 60 of the UK's Health and Social Care Act of 2001, France's Medical Privacy Act, Article L1110-4 of 2002, or Spain's Basic Law 41/200 of 2002.  More general data privacy legislation in many countries also applies to patient information such as the European Union's Directive on Data Protection (95/46/EC) which is embodied in member countries' national legislation.
Access to private health information must be limited and its confidentiality must be diligently protected. Secure systems and processes must be in place to provide information in a timely, efficient, and cost-effective way to the people that need to use it to drive patient healthcare decisions. In addition, healthcare organizations need to provide a reliable audit trail for tracking and reporting communications.  OpenText RightFax is an essential part of many healthcare providers regulatory compliance regime, providing tamper resistant document delivery and receipt, encrypted and certified delivery options and full audit trails.

Top 5 Ways RightFax supports HIPAA & Regulatory compliance:

  1. Restricts Access to Protected Health Information
  2. Provides a Centralized Communications Hub For Protected Health Information
  3. Secure and Encrypted Electronic Delivery of Protected Health Information
  4. Tamper-resistant Information Transmission and Receipt
  5. Improved Health Information Tracking and Storage
An OpenText white paper provides a brief overview of HIPAA regulations and how healthcare organizations are using technology to assist with compliance. It discusses network faxing, explores some of the advantages of implementing a network fax solutions to support HIPAA compliance initiatives, and introduces OpenText RightFax as a flexible tool for improving the security and overall efficiency of document transmission processes.

For additional information or to speak with one of our software specialists please call us toll free at  1-866-730-1700 or email us at